Miso Salsa Verde - Italian Style

Having the right sauce in your repertoire can be a meal savior. I love making a few sauces at the start of the week and pulling them out when my food needs a bit of a lift. 

Salsa verde is on heavy rotation in my household. A typical Italian salsa verde is enriched with the addition of anchovies. Those tiny, preserved fish provide both savoriness as well as salt. In this plant-based version I’ve omitted the anchovies and instead enhanced the salsa verde with the addition of Shared Cultures Morel Miso. This is a longer aged, red-style miso which mimics the umami and salt that anchovies bring. 

I love folding this herby sauce into pasta, spreading it on a piece of buttered toast and adding a generous dollop to rich stews. Use it wherever you wish to add a burst of acid and freshness.


  • 1 large bunch (~1 ½ c)  parsley, roughly chopped

  • 2 ½ Tbsp Shared Cultures Morel Miso

  • 2 Tbsp capers

  • ½ medium lemon, juiced

  • 1 large clove of garlic, smashed

  • ½ tsp Kosher salt 

  • ¾ - 1 c olive oil


  1. Place all ingredients except the oil into a food processor and pulse until incorporated but still chunky. 

  2. With the motor on, slowly drizzle in ¾ c of olive oil. Add the additional ¼ c of oil  if you would like a thinner result. 

  3. Taste and adjust seasonings. Serve immediately.


Yield: ~1 cup


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